Wednesday, May 4, 2011

mediation on Duchamp's on nude descending staircase

mediation on Duchamp's on nude descending staircase

i want us to live in the space
occupied by Duchamp’s nude descending the staircase
there I hold you now

we are learning each other after the run
for the first time now

i have always held you there, always will hold you there
but if i am holding you now, then you have always hated me
as you hate me now

then you have always and still are leaving me caressing a bottle
i will always have been holding it like a newborn, slouched against the wall
madness boiling in my hot brain

now you always will have left me alone
in my badly furnished messy room
now the doors and windows are locked

all our moments exist stacked
always the same moments in the
same instant in the same singularity together
fused into one

my heart vibrates like an atom when i think of those times
my heart vibrates and splits time and sucks
itself into a black hole compression
where all the seconds that ever-were-will-be
are smashed into a single quirk size period of momentum
in our meta-time-all-time is our one time

in our no-time you will have been with me by now forever

now all is compressed
we are an infinitely dense
one moment-thing-now-then

in this vice of relativity we
are smashed into each other in pure simultaneity

under the strain we are
(like the mind of god and her creation)
all at once one

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